Since the beginning of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns, children have been obliged to approach their education in a whole new way, while parents have […]
In the Edelstein judgment, which was handed down in 1952, the Appellate Division (as it then was) held that there is a rebuttable presumption that all […]
Section 9HB of the Income Tax Act provides for a roll-over of a capital gain or loss when an asset is transferred between spouses during their lifetimes. […]
While restaurants, shopping malls and beaches may look somewhat similar to what they did before the pandemic, nevermind lockdown regulations and social distancing protocols, the real estate rental market has not recovered […]
Divorce can often be an extremely stressful and exasperating process, and even more so when one spouse enjoys complete financial stability and the other has to endure a dire financial position. Such cases clearly create a huge imbalance amongst parties […]
‘The best interests of a child’ is a concept deeply entrenched in our legal system – especially since the new constitutional dispensation. Section 28(2) of the Constitution provides that “A child’s […]
As the property market continues to piece itself back together amid the ongoing pandemic, the rental market continues to feel the impact of the times more than any […]