
October 17, 2022

Maintenance claims from life partner’s estate

“Should a person who has shared her home and life with her deceased partner, born and raised children with him, cared for him in health and […]
October 14, 2022

Deducting bond interest using access bond facility

You can use a loan re-advance against your house to purchase a rental property, and get the interest allowed as a tax deduction – it just […]
October 14, 2022

Tax costs of barter transactions

Barter transactions are commonplace in today’s commercial environment. Parties exchange goods or services without a cash transaction underpinning it. The question is, “What happens when I sell the asset […]
October 14, 2022

Testamentary trusts still have their place

Trusts have received a lot of bad press over the past few years, what with SARS taking a dim view of the use of trusts as […]
October 14, 2022

Landlord and tenant inspections

The Rental Housing Amendment Act[1], section 4B (4) and (5) determines that the tenant and property owner must jointly, before the tenant moves into the dwelling, […]
October 11, 2022

Travel claims, but no allowance?

For commission-earners and the self-employed, the rules are slightly different—but travel costs can be claimed. The common mistake that I make when writing articles about travel […]
October 11, 2022

Grandparents’ rights over their grandchildren

There can be no doubt that grandparents, more often than not, are intimately involved in their grandchildren’s lives and upbringing, and they provide care. But what […]
October 11, 2022

Retirement and your ‘second wind’

With improved healthcare and the trend towards healthier lifestyles, many people are living to a ripe old age.  Make sure that your money lasts as long […]
October 11, 2022

When your tenant ‘does a duck’

Tips for landlords when their tenant does a disappearing act Everyone who has let out property knows that sickening feeling when you find out that your […]
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