Barter transactions are commonplace in today’s commercial environment. Parties exchange goods or services without a cash transaction underpinning it. The question is, “What happens when I sell the asset […]
The Rental Housing Amendment Act[1], section 4B (4) and (5) determines that the tenant and property owner must jointly, before the tenant moves into the dwelling, […]
For commission-earners and the self-employed, the rules are slightly different—but travel costs can be claimed. The common mistake that I make when writing articles about travel […]
There can be no doubt that grandparents, more often than not, are intimately involved in their grandchildren’s lives and upbringing, and they provide care. But what […]
With improved healthcare and the trend towards healthier lifestyles, many people are living to a ripe old age. Make sure that your money lasts as long […]
Tips for landlords when their tenant does a disappearing act Everyone who has let out property knows that sickening feeling when you find out that your […]